Dalja's Spring (Dal-ja's Spring) is a Korean drama series topbilled by Chae Rim as Dal Ja, Lee Min Ki and Lee Hyeon Woo (Attic Cat) This series was originally broadcasted by KBS in Korea from January to March of 2007. Consist of 22 episodes, and received 22.6% average rating in Korea.
‘Dalja’s Spring’ is the story of Dalja Oh, a 33-year old single at a crossroad of whether to remain single or get married before she gets older. The drama aims to comically and candidly portray the reality and undying pursuit of romance of a thirty something single woman. The love triangle of Dalja Oh, Philip Kang (Kang Taebong) and Jim Eom (Uhm Gijoong) brews conflicts over love versus marriage. Philip Kang, a hunk six years younger than Dalja, works as substitute dates and becomes Dalja’s fake boyfriend. Jim Eom is the type who dreams of an ideal and rational courtship. The drama also highlights the life and work of women in their 30's through Dalja Oh who is a talented managing director at a home shopping channel.
1 comment:
where can i find this online in tagalog? I was in vacation in the Philippines and now I am back in Canada where there is no Dalja :(
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